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Mercy vs. Responsibilities.

In these times, no one can escape responsibility.  Comprehension is right paradigm enable that those who take responsibility for what they have been part of can help us heal this without another round of revenge.  The principle was there when MSS was founded:  "We are merciful and We take into account that those who have committed crime themselves are victims of crime.  That the élite as well as all other of the war-system's force-conscripted citizen soldiers are crime victims of course MITIGATES responsibility, but it does not remove it after this Proclamation which hereby Notify Nation Sweden of the fraud."  (Proclamation of Monarchy State Sweden of 9 September -17, p. 3 (20).)

In general, I wonder why there has been so little online dialogue about what is actually expressed in this document.

In comprehension is right paradigm, it is NOT as in "rules are right" paradigm that the slightest rule violation must unreasonably be retaliated against, but that the latter MUST CEASE lest the rule breakers ("thou shalt not kill") not be judged very very harshly.  Authoritarians who stubbornly enforce rules in violation of life are digging their own grave in doing so.  They might as well take the shovel and go out and dig and then jump in and pull the gravel down on themselves.

They Must Think.  On Their Own.  If they at all want to survive this.

Leif I,
Lawgiver for the Nation, etc,
Monarchy State Sweden
14 August -22.

[Other Statements.]